Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Views counter

You might have noticed that I've just added a blog views counter to my blog. I thought it'd be nice to know how many people actually visit my blog. Curiosity killed the cat. Or maybe it's that whole popularity contest thing that is embedded within human nature, sorry if I'm making a VUG. Either way, I just find it helpful to know if I'm helping you to spend your money or not. Obviously the more you visit, the more you'd want to spend and more you'll become like me.

I went to the Pronail Supply shop in Bankstown that everyone's been raving about. They weren't kidding about the size although I wish they had a larger range for OPI. There are a lot of reds that look like twins or triplets or whatever, you get what I mean: similar looking reds. I want a bigger Essie stock! I want my Sag Harbour! It'd be absolutely terrific if they stocked Zoya too. I'm kind of embarrassed to be buying everything online because the Post Office lady knows me now & teases me everything I go to pick up my package (which is at least once a week). But nonetheless, it's a terrific shop although the train ride is ridiculous long and tedious.

Does anyone know an Essie stockist in Sydney? You'd be a total lifesaver! I'll leave you with a photo of some nails that I did over a year ago for Troll's birthday.
OPI Yoga-ta get this Blue as base
I'm off to paint my nails! Two days of naked nails should be enough to revitalise them, right?


  1. i fixed my blog comment thing. :D and omg.. vapd diary due tmr D= so cbf. it's empty.
    and i'm off to paint my nails too.

    p.s. we're now a step closer to cutey wink AHAHA :DD

  2. Yay about time :) I can comment now!
    Hmm.. Mine is empty too. I need to stick photos in & scribble crap.

    Cutey wink here we come. No more old billionairs to kill!
