Wednesday, September 1, 2010

$56 poorer but 56 times happier

Yesterday's long and treacherous journey to Bankstown with Whiney had definitely paid off. I bought 7 bottles of nail polish for $56. Which isn't bad considering I would probably pay around the same, if not more on Ebay. What I'm happiest about the most is the fact that I found the extremely hard to find China Glaze Lubu Heels and saw the highly sought after OPI Mad as a Hatter (but I didn't buy it as I am still scarred by the previous glitter experience with China Glaze Doll's House).

So I bought 4 OPIs: Happy Anniversary, Glitzerland, Brand New Skates, Ski Teal We Drop. Orly Fantasea. Lubu Heels and Sun Worshipper from China Glaze. Rather than reading my waffling, you can see my mini haul.
Happy Anniversary, Brand New Skates and Lubu Heels are ridiculously prices on Ebay so I'm extremely glad that I found them yesterday. I squealed like a little girl in my head. I am rather surprised at the polishes that I bought though. I am a creme person. But I bought so many glitters. Odd. More devil children to remove. Here are some close-ups:
OPI Happy Anniversary
OPI Glitzerland
OPI Brand New Skates
Orly Fantasea
China Glaze Lubu Heels
I can't wait to try these along with 10 million other unused colours. Okay I'm exaggerating but I wish it was true because my wishlist if continuously growing. China Glaze Mummy May I is number 1 right now though. Check it out!