Saturday, October 2, 2010

Bring on the burlesque!

I am so excited! OPI has released its Burlesque collection to celebrate the release of Burlesque the movie. You know, the one with Cher and Christina Aguilera. The movie doesn't look that appealing but OPI's collection of nail polish sure is amazing.

There are so so so many glitters! You should definitely go get out the swatches. Especially of the pure glitter ones. Yes, my wishlist has 2 additions: OPI Shimmer & Shimmer and OPI Sparkle-icious. They're both from the Burlesque collection. If you loved OPI Mad as a Hatter that was released with Tim Burton's movie, then you're going to love this collection. I know, I'm repeating myself. But I am just so excited! I can't wait to get my hands on those babies.

I guess I'll see them after HSC. That is in 6 weeks' time! Because I am so excited, I'll leave you with some photos of my current mani. I call them gold diggers. I promised myself that this will last me until the start of the HSC. Trying to keep this promise will be pure agony. I'm sorry that the first picture is blurry. My camera sucks. This is why I need a DSLR.
3 coats of OPI Glitzerland, 2 coats of China Glaze Gold Medallion on tips
It's like a gradient effect with glitter tips. The larger glitters are extremely reflective. I'm loving it. But it'll be a pain to remove. I'll worry about that later, I guess.


  1. Hey Anne, I just wanted to say 'holy crap'. You've got an entire blog devoted to nails. I've gone through all your entries and this was me: O_O

  2. Hi Anne =)

    This is the first time I've ever been to your blog and may I say 'WOW! I HAVE NEVER SEEN SO MANY NAILS AND NAIL POLISHES BEFORE!' anyways =) Anyways, that gingerbread manne (hahaha nice pun) is cute at the top of your page =) now i feel like eating one :)
    Well =) lalala good luck studying! :D (why is there a little wheelchair person next to the word verification thing? D:)
    Love, Shirley X =)

  3. Yes Yunnipie (your new nickname), I went onto your blog and I love your photos. This is my face: X_X

    I couldn't tell which Shirley you were until I saw the 'X" LOL. Proves that I'm handicapped.

  4. Oh, it´s really pretty color! :-) Nice blog ;) I am your new reader ;)

  5. this is so beautiful! i love your nail tutorials. you take such good care of your nails.
