Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Keyblade to my heart

Recently, I've started watching my boyfriend play Kingdom Hearts. It has quite a sweet and touching story line. One of those typical Disney things that's meant to put warm fuzziness into kids' hearts.

I was inspired to do a mani for it, of course. Hope you guys like it.

I used Milani Key Lime Light for the base. And the pattern was done with acrylic paint. Then sealed off with topcoat so nothing gets washed away.

Until next time!


  1. I never thought about using acrylic paint for designs!
    Genius- How long does it last? (I'll probably try it regardless since I have way too much paint laying around, and it is so much cheaper!)
    I bet mickey designs would be so cute (especially with trips with little ones to movies/disneyland/disneyworld...)

    Best wishes!

  2. Hi Amy. If you seal it with topcoat, acrylic paint would pretty much last until you remove everything with remover.

  3. I love Kingdom Hearts, so this is the perfect nail design for me.
    Thanks for sharing :)
    Vicki xx
