Friday, November 12, 2010

Pasadena Purple

I am so sorry for not blogging in so long but everything is just thrown into one huge, uncontrollable and evergrowing ball of messy things that all need to be completed very soon.

I wore Nubar Pasadena Purple a while ago and forgot to photograph it until after 4 days of wear and tear. The polish on my index finger had gone all wrinkly. But nonetheless, this is a beautiful and unique colour that many people had complimented.
Once again, my camera refused to capture the correct shade of purple so 11% opacity of red is added over the nails to achieve that gorgeous colour. The polish was very easy to apply and just 1 coat gives an almost complete opaque finish. However, I have 3 coats on my index finger and 2 coats on the rest. Maybe that's why the wrinkly appeared on the index finger only.

I remember seeing this polish on Ginnifer Goodwin from the movie, He's Just Not That Into You. I definitely recommend that you get your hands on a bottle of this baby because it is probably one of the most distinctive colours out there.

I am not responsible for any spelling or grammatical errors as I am in desperate need of sleep. I do apologise for not reading over my rambles.

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