Saturday, November 13, 2010

Where are my skates?

My favourite holiday would be Christmas. Everything is so sparkly and wonderful. That is also when the best nail polishes come out. OPI Brand New Skates was released quite a few years ago but it is still part of my favourites list.

It is, unfortunately, one of those sheer nail polishes. I had to slap on 5 coats to achieve complete opacity. OPI Brand New Skates have a nice, smooth consistency and was so easy to apply. It is a slate grey colour with iridescent sparkles. Love love love!
Once again, my dodgy point-and-shoot camera has failed me and left me with blurry pictures. I desperately need a DSLR. Or a steady hand.
Look at the details on this baby! How could you not fall in love with this polish?


  1. Theyre such a great Christmas party style! I really want this :O
