On Thursday, the pointless day with bludgey periods, I decided to stay home and make earrings. I really liked the way that they turned out and decided to turn them into a birthday present for my friend.
Y for yellow and happyness with a 'Y' |
Everybody loves pink |
Polka dots are like the cherry on top |
I got sick of making bows |
After hours of squinting, cutting, burning and poking myself with a needle, I've succeeded in making 4 pairs of earrings although superglue is a nightmare. The stupid glue got onto my nails and I had to remove the polish. Boo. But I made these into a present.
Present! |
This was so simple to do. Just print out a message on paper and stick it onto a piece of cardboard. Poke the holes with a needle where the earrings are going to be placed. Then viola! Perfectly presented. With some polyester wadding on the back to prevent the earring posts from poking the wrapping paper, this would be a great present. For birthdays, Christmas, whatever, everything.
Since this was such a success, I decided to make some more. With more yellow polka dotty ribbons and even some gingerbread man (well girls because they're wearing skirts) that I've fished out from the sewing box. All I had to do was clip off the button loopy hole thing. If I can do it, so can you.
I can't wait to wear them. Then maybe I'll take photos if I'm bothered.
Awwwwwwwwww these are SO CUTE !
Guess who's birthday is coming up *hinthintnudgenudge* LOL
Yay I've finally fixed my comments & I can comment now :D
My birthday is coming up *hint*hint*
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